
Happy Earth Day 2014~

A small doodle I made for it.
Let's celebrate Earth Day every day!

Going green is something that we can all take little steps towards improving, 
it doesn't have to completely change your lifestyle.

Inhabitat and IFLS give good messages about staying conscious
of caring for the environment every day,
not just on the 22nd of April.

Some things you can do:
Use cloth bags for shopping, 
reusable water bottles/canteens,
eco-friendly soap,
 using less electricity (turn off lights that aren't needed),
walking or riding a bike,
 using recycled paper and products, 
recycling all plastic and paper/cardboard as much as possible,
turning off the tap in-between brushing your teeth/washing your face..

They're all little things that help!

Let's do our best to conserve our little world for future generations~


1 comment

  1. Your Blog is always a joy to visit <3 I adore your drawing and appreciate the suggestions! <3


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