
gardens by the bay

I have always had an affinity and all-encompassing appreciation for nature.

It has always inspired my passion for drawing and painting, lifted me out of dark times when I immersed myself in scenery larger than me, humbled any ego I may have acquired when analysing the tiniest of plants or creatures.

It will always be a happy place for me.
Realistically though it isn't always sunshine, positivity, or safety. That's somewhat part of the allure, the uncertainty, and zero judgement.

But that's getting too complicated now.
I just wanted to share some of my favourite photos taken on my phone on recent outings the last couple of months.

"In every culture, the sky and the religious impulse are intertwined.
I lie back in an open field and the sky surrounds me.
I’m overpowered by its scale.
It’s so vast and so far away that my own insignificance becomes palpable.
But I don’t feel rejected by the sky.
I’m a part of it- tiny, to be sure, but everything is tiny compared to that overwhelming immensity.
And when I concentrate on the stars, the planets, and their motions, I have an irresistible sense of machinery, clockwork,
elegant precision working on a scale that, however lofty our aspirations, dwarfs and humbles us."
— Carl Sagan

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Twitter: @mieliseul


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