

Happy Spring!

I've been alive for twenty-four years, being able to meet my Monkey zodiac twice.

Throughout those years I can look back on a few that bring fond memories, and others that bring regrets.

We all have moments of reflection and reminiscing, wondering why things went the way they did, why didn't I start something sooner, how could I have acted in such a way.
It haunts you, but you can find strength in knowing that you are recognising the problems now and are constantly developing yourself to improve.

I am a constant work in progress, and everything I learn each day will be to contribute to our little rock of a planet hurtling through space, orbiting our sun, in this vast and expanding universe.

This is a piece I did for the Lunar New Year of the Monkey

Golden snub-nosed monkey for 2016,
taking inspiration from traditional Chinese paintings

Birthday dinner outfit

Unsightly bleach damage

I hope you're able to make the most of the spring season, let's make something great for ourselves ♡


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